Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy? What Can You Expect from Each Option
When facing mounting debts that cannot be repaid according to the regular monthly terms, one should consider all options for debt...
Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy? What Can You Expect from Each Option
My Bank Account was Levied—What Now?...
Defaulted SBA Loans:
File Bankruptcy to Protect Your Wages and Other Earnings from Garnishment
Received a 1099-Misc on Cancelled Debt? You May Qualify for Exclusion from Taxes if You Were Insolve
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and How It Protects You
Received a Form 1099-C on Foreclosed Home? You May Qualify for the Mortgage Forgiveness Exclusion to
Collection on the Judgment – What to Know if You Are Facing a Wage Garnishment
You’ve Just Been Served with a Lawsuit, Now What?